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A part of being an artist and teacher, is being a researcher. Art and education is ever evolving so researching those changes and how to best utilise them is essential to understanding professional development and growth. My research interests focus around sustainable and eco arts practices as i believe in a subject that can be so wasteful, that we try to do our part in the classroom to help reduce our impact on the environment. 

This short course aims to link experiential learning of gathering, evaluating and developing students’ sustainably sourced materials to support learners knowledge on various fields of climate change, environmental awareness  and recycling.

The role of a curator in an exhibition is to select and present artwork in a way that engages and educates the audience. The curator should have a clear understanding of the exhibition's objectives and themes, and select artwork that supports these objectives to educate, engage, and challenge the audience.

The curriculum is shaped by values, and these values are what motivate curriculum reform. The term "curriculum" describes the subjects and educational opportunities offered to pupils by schools. It reflects the knowledge and skills that society believes young people should have.

Students should become more knowledgeable about sustainability since doing so will help them live more sustainably in our world today, as well as broaden their knowledge of what is happening in their locality, become aware and interested in environmental local issues. 

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